Hi! How can we help You?

Mutual Fund

A mutual fund is like a savings pool overseen by a skilled Fund Manager. It's a trust where money from various investors with similar goals is gathered and invested in stocks, bonds and other securities.

Fixed Deposits

Choosing Fixed Deposits for investment has long been a secure choice for individuals of all risk preferences. FundsIndia empowers you with the ability to effortlessly select from various sources.

Insurance Policy

Insurance, encompassing Motor, Health, and Term policies, ensures financial security. Motor Insurance protects vehicles, Health Insurance covers medical costs, and Term Insurance provides a safety net.


The National Pension System (NPS) is a voluntary, long-term retirement savings scheme in India. It offers a systematic approach for building a retirement corpus, combining flexibility, tax benefits, and market exposure.


Government bonds are debt securities issued by a government to raise capital. Investors purchase these bonds, effectively lending money to the government, and in return, receive periodic interest payments and principal repayment.


Loans provide financial assistance by lending a specific amount that individuals or businesses repay with interest. They help fulfill immediate needs or fund long-term goals. Various types, such as home, personal,car loans.

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